fitness app development company

Business Problem

The client, Mr. Berry Right, was based in Los Angeles and showed us a couple of fitness apps on his smartphone. He wanted to go for fitness application development similar to the apps he showed to us just like Apple Watch. activities tracking apps, and some others. However, the client revealed that he made a website a few years back, but it was not working as people have moved to smartphones nowadays.

He wanted to go for health and fitness app development to build an app that is engaging, intuitive, and highly scalable. He wanted to add wearable tracking, diet plans, exercises, yoga routines, pranayama videos, etc.

The main issue was that the website was slow, outdated, and was not ranking enough to get awareness in the market. We took up the challenge and started researching the industry, target audience, competitors, and other things. The client wanted to target both- Android and iOS users with the app. He hired our fitness app development services for creating a fitness app.

We decided to go for cross-platform mobile app development with the use of the React Native platform. React Native is one of the most preferred cross-platform app development frameworks with full of libraries, and APIs, and allows developers to build scalable mobile apps. React Native also offers quality assurance and React Native apps look and feel similar to native apps.

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The Challenge

Some of the challenges we had are discussed below:

Non-Performing Current Website

The existing website was outdated and unattractive and was not optimized for SEO purposes.

No Proper Monetization Plans

The website lacked specific monetization plans as the client wanted for their target audience.

Lack of Features

The website was a static one with almost no features. It has just 3-4 pages with no relevant information.

Unimpressive User Interface

The user interface was dull, boring, and unimpressive. Due to it, there was almost no traffic on the website.

Big Bounce Rate

Even if people have visited the website, the bounce rate was very high as the website was not up to the mark.

No Massive Traffic

The website lacked even the normal traffic that one should have due to a lack of clarity in the website.

Let’s Discuss Your Idea Now

If you are looking for the right ears to listen and discuss your brilliant app idea, we are the one.

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fitness app development services

The Solution

Here are some solutions to overcome the challenges and ensure a successful fitness app development process:

feature rich mobile app

Feature-Rich Mobile App

Out fitness app developers developed an app with highly advanced features and functionalities such as search filters, payment gateways, step calculator, maps, diet records, calory counter, and others.

user friendly mobile fitness app

User-Friendly Mobile Fitness app

The app offers an extensively immersive user experience to visitors with an uncluttered, concise, and attractive user interface.

attractive layout and design

Attractive Layout and Design

We worked hard on the design part to come up with an attractive design and layout to woo the audience instantly on the first visit.

audience-centric app

Audience-Centric App

We first understood the target audience for the app and developed an app that addresses the pain points of the audience.

subscription based plans

Subscription-Based Plans

Unlike the website, the mobile app has basic, advanced, and premium subscription plans for users.

research based app

Research-Based App

We conducted the research first about the main competitors, and target audience, and then developed an app based on insights.

Technology Stack

Here is a list of technologies we have used to develop a fitness app.

nodejs logo
mongodb logo
amazon web services
Amazon Web Services
google cloud platform
Google Cloud Platform


Here is what our client achieved after the app deployment:

  • 1. Users loved the design of the app and the number of installations has increased.

  • 2. The client also noticed an increased number of subscriptions.

  • 3. The session duration per visit increased up to 40%.

  • 4. The uninstalling ratio decreased to 34%.

  • 5. Users shared some good positive reviews.

fitness app development companies in india
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