Every business is chasing web development solutions to strengthen its online presence and get its brand noticed on the bigger stage. Any web development idea’s success depends on the choice of development technology. However, two mainstream frameworks, Core PHP and Laravel, allow you to give an edge to your web development idea.

According to reports, the Web development market is expected to generate revenue of up to $96748 million by 2028. These numbers will come to life with the right framework. Therefore, it is essential to dive into the war of Core PHP vs. Laravel to make informed choices.

However, it is challenging to pick the one as both the framework is backed with tools and libraries to deliver the best in class web development services.

Read on further to get into key differences between Core PHP vs Laravel to give a stage to your development idea.

What is Core PHP?

Core PHP is a great web development framework that carries a basic PHP code any developer can create without any added customization expertise. It comes with a core PHP script and offers an impactful component that gives a stage to develop to create cutting-edge applications.

With this framework, developers can create any type of dynamic application. It enables developers to develop web applications from scratch with the help of built-in functionalities of PHP. So no more waiting Hire PHP Developers in India and bring your development idea to success.

Key Features of Core PHP

  • Platform independent: Core PHP is open to work across multiple operating systems due to its cross-platform functionality.
  • Flexibility: Developers can modify the codebase entirely, allowing them to adjust solutions to project peculiarities.
  • Performance: in some scenarios, Core PHP can be faster than the frameworks as it works without the layers.

Pros of Core PHP

  • Full control over the codebase
  • There is no reliance on external libraries
  • Lightweight and fast execution

Cons of Core PHP

  • Absence of built-in facilities and features
  • Needs manual implementation of standard web development assignments
  • Easily spaghetti-code-prone and poor maintainability in larger projects

Examples Core PHP web applications

  • Wikipedia
  • Vimeo
  • Etsy
  • Mailchimp

What is Laravel?

Laravel is a contemporary PHP framework infamous for its neat syntax, powerful features, and developer-friendly atmosphere. It is based upon the Model-View-Controller architectural pattern and offers many tools and libraries to simplify web application development.

Key Features of Laravel

  • MVC Architecture: Laravel’s philosophy is to facilitate a manageable development process where business logic is divided into presentation layers.
  • Eloquent ORM: Laravel provides an easy-to-use ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) system that makes interacting with databases simple and easy.
  • Blade Templating Engine: Laravel’s templating engine provides an elegant and simple syntax for creating dynamic and reusable templates.
  • Artisan CLI: Laravel provides an automation script on the command line interface, enabling repetitive tasks such as database migrations, testing, and scaffolding.

Pros of Laravel

  • Fast growth through integrated tools and libraries
  • Strong security functionalities like authentication and authorization
  • Thorough documentation and a vast community of assistance

Cons of Laravel

  • The steep learning curve for newly initiated because of its numerous features and conventions
  • Using Composer and other external packages will create inconsistencies

Examples of applications using Laravel

  • Asgard CMS
  • Barchart
  • Laracasts

People also read: Top 10 Laravel Development Companies in India

5 Key Factors for Choosing the Right Web Apps Framework

The success and productivity of your project are influenced by several crucial factors that have to be taken into consideration when choosing a framework for web development.

key factors for choosing the right web app framework

#1. Development Expert with a Framework

When evaluating a developer’s competency, consider the level of their skill and the type of frameworks they master. Select a framework that the team is familiar with so that the code is started and integrated easily.

#2. Community and Support

Choose the framework with a large community of developers. An enormous responsive community gives you far more options for help, user-submitted documentation, and various third-party plugins or libraries, making the whole process of coding and debugging much easier.

#3. Scalability

Analyze and determine scalability requirements for the project with regard to both the codebase and the traffic issue. Decide a framework already designed to grow in scalable architecture by means of modularization, caching methods, and database optimization that will help you experience growth without compromising on performance.

#4. Community Adoption and Trends

Examine industry trends and determine which frameworks will most likely gain the largest market share. By attaching to a widely used framework that requires a growing number of users, viability, sustainability, and compatibility with the other novel technologies become essential.

#5. Cost of framework

Some aspects worth considering are the cost implications, license terms, and the framework. Some open-source and free-to-use tools can be used; others’ companies are licensed and may not be free and paid for extra features or support services.

Crucial difference between Core PHP vs. Laravel: Comparison Table

Basis Core PHP Laravel
Performance Lightweight, faster execution Overhead due to framework
Database Interaction Manual implementation Eloquent ORM simplifies database tasks
Resources Abundant online resources Extensive documentation and community
Security Manual implementation Built-in security features
Architecture No specific architecture Follows MVC pattern for structured code
Flexibility Complete control over the codebase Balanced between convention and flexibility

Head-to-head Difference between Core PHP vs. Laravel

So, let’s finally take the battle of Core PHP and Laravel ahead in more detail. Read further:

#1. Performance and Scalability

Usually, the execution of the core PHP is done faster as it doesn’t have the additional things that a framework comes with and therefore, there will be no overhead of a framework. However, outcomes may range from poor to good based on various factors, including the coding technique and system architecture.

Core PHP may not be able to provide the speed of development you need if the application is big. As the undertaking develops, handling code and database communication could be quite challenging, particularly in the absence of a specific plan, which may introduce scalability issues.

However, Laravel’s performance is usually good, though it wouldn’t be an exception to some overhead because of interaction and other features. Although Laravel tends to a certain extent, such performance issues can disappear due to the caching and optimization techniques that it offers.

Laravel designates using an MVC pattern so that the applications scale without the entire code becoming amorphous as it usually grows.

Winner: Laravel

#2. Compatibility with Database

PHP Core works with a wide range of database systems, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and others. The MySQL function, along with the PDO function, allows developers to talk to databases directly.

On the other hand, Laravel has a driver to connect all the most used database systems: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, and SQLite. This is by default. It uses Eloquent ORM for database interactions, which is database-specific. That abstracts away these details and creates a consistent interface.

Winner: Laravel

#3. Availability of Resources

PHP, which has been around for a decade, is full of elementary materials that include, but are not limited to, documentation, tutorials, forums, and libraries. While this may present the challenge of locating the appropriate quality resources in abundant materials, the possibilities for doing so are more frequent than one may expect.

In contrast, Laravel experiences the advantages of an active and big community that goes way beyond its official doc, tutorials, forums, and various packs. The Laravel ecosystem encloses many services, such as hosting management service done by Laravel Forge, asset compilation service by Laravel Mix, and such.

Winner: Laravel

#4. Security

The security at PHP core is entirely dependent on the level of developer skills and practices he or she chooses to use. With security features coming in, developers must consciously roll out secure operation specifications to grant safety against a wide range of vulnerabilities like SQL injection, XSS, etc.

However, one of the exceptional Laravel security aspects is its hashed and salted password approach, CSRF prevention, and SQL injection prevention thanks to the parameterized queries and Eloquent Object Relational Mapping. Laravel is an extension that helps to simplify the login and logout process, authorization and access control implementation of secure user authentication.

Winner: Laravel

#5. Architecture

Core PHP, in turn, possesses a procedural-shaped programming approach in which initiation of the code iteratively takes place right in functions, and code is executed sequentially. Although this results in the ease of writing, it may result in incomprehensible (spaghetti) codes and maintenance challenges in a huge project.

Laravel uses the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern to separate application logic, appearance, and data layers. This coding structure is the epitome of neatness and balance, in which one can find code organization, reusability, and maintainability features that contribute to larger projects by making it easy to collaborate. Hire remote developers in India to give an expert hand to your Laravel Development project and win in every aspect.

Winner: Laravel

#6. Flexibility

Core PHP is the most flexible variant owing to the fact that programmers can manipulate the source code in any manner they deem fit. Instead of using ready-made code libraries, developers may start writing code from zero. Therefore, Flutter will suit projects with unique requirements.

On the other hand, Laravel provides a solid foundation but makes the development process more “flexible” by implementing options like custom middleware, service providers, and artisan commands. Developers can utilize the Laravel platform to expand it further with custom rules to achieve exact project purposes.

Winner: PHP

Which One to Choose for Web App Development: Core PHP vs. Laravel

The end choice to pick between Core PHP and Laravel completely depends on your web development requirements. Here are instances where one framework overpowers another:

When to Choose Laravel?

  • Laravel is considered a renowned choice for high-quality code, making development easier and more convenient for developers.
  • It is an ideal solution for full-stack development as it comes with a wide range of capabilities to develop the best solutions.
  • Perfect choice for both small and large development projects.

When to Choose Core PHP?

  • Ideal for projects that do not require much complex coding while developing dynamic applications.
  • It is the perfect choice for developers creating applications for various operating systems.


Each Core PHP and Laravel has its positive and negative sides, so each project and development situation requires a specific solution.

If you want to utilize the high-end technology of web development to develop feature-rich applications, Best Remote Team is your best web development partner to hire dedicated laravel developer who allows businesses to develop the best applications. We have a team of best developers well versed with the Core PHP and Laravel functionalities to develop applications that give wings to your brand.

Whenever the web development service challenges you, contact us and Hire PHP Developers in India to get competent hands to deliver top-notch development services.


Jatin Savaliya

Content Marketing Specialist

I'm working with Best Remote Team, an India-based company that provides dedicated remote developers hourly and monthly. I specialize in creating high-quality content that helps businesses achieve their goals through effective content creation.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Core PHP is a language without a framework, allowing extreme flexibility, while Laravel is a PHP framework providing structured tools and functionalities for quicker development and better security.
Indeed, Laravel is suggested for several web applications because of its robustness, security characteristics, and well-developed ecosystem, which make it perfect for projects of all levels and complexity.
Framework selection determines how easily a project can be scaled. Laravel’s structured architecture and native scalability functions make scaling much easier than Core PHP’s more manual approach, particularly with larger projects.
Core PHP projects can be converted into Laravel, but considerable rewriting and reorganization will be necessary to fit them into the MVC architecture and conventions of Laravel.